Description: Mesa County Commissioner Districts and current representatives. Note districts are not voting precincts – a commisioner represents its district, but is elected by the entire county.Adopted December 6, 2021
Service Item Id: ad2b2164f74246028b92647f7fa18b2c
Copyright Text: Mesa County GIS, Mesa County Elections
Description: Boundaries of the Grand Valley Drainage District. The district is split into 3 divisions for electing board members. For more information, see
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[29 & D Metropolitan District #1 - Resi: 29 & D Metropolitan District #1 - Resi]
, [29 & D Metropolitan District #2 - Comm: 29 & D Metropolitan District #2 - Comm]
, [29 & D Metropolitan District No 1: 29 & D Metropolitan District No 1]
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Description: Mesa County, CO's enterprise zone.Description from :Mesa County’s Enterprise Zone provides various tax credits and incentives to encourage expansion, location, or private enterprise and quality jobs in targeted areas. The Colorado Legislature created the Enterprise Zone program to promote a business friendly environment in economically distressed areas by offering state income tax credits that incentivize businesses to locate and develop in these communities as well as non-profits organizations to assist with the needs of these communities.
Description: Fire Protection Districts in Mesa County, CO. Debeque Fire Protection District extends into Garfield County, CO. Areas not shown administered by other agencies.
Description: Students in the North area attend 8th and 9th grade for the fruita 8/9 School.Students in the South area attend only 9th grade for the fruita 8/9 School
Service Item Id: ad2b2164f74246028b92647f7fa18b2c
Copyright Text: Mesa County and Mesa County School District 51
Description: Sanitation, improvement, pest control, and soil conservation districts in Mesa County, CO.Description from Colorado Title 32 :"Sanitation district" means a special district that provides for storm or sanitary sewers, or both, flood and surface drainage, treatment and disposal works and facilities, or solid waste disposal facilities or waste services, and all necessary or proper equipment and appurtenances incident thereto."Local improvement district" means an area within a service authority in which the real property is specially benefited and constitutes the basis of assessment for all or part of the cost of the construction or installation of designated improvements within such area.
Description: Sanitation, improvement, pest control, and soil conservation districts in Mesa County, CO.Description from Colorado Title 32 :"Sanitation district" means a special district that provides for storm or sanitary sewers, or both, flood and surface drainage, treatment and disposal works and facilities, or solid waste disposal facilities or waste services, and all necessary or proper equipment and appurtenances incident thereto."Local improvement district" means an area within a service authority in which the real property is specially benefited and constitutes the basis of assessment for all or part of the cost of the construction or installation of designated improvements within such area.
Description: Persigo 201 Sewer District Boundary. An agreement between the City of Grand Junction and Mesa County to provide sewer service connected to the Persigo treatment facility for residents within the district.For more information, see
Description: Sanitation, improvement, pest control, and soil conservation districts in Mesa County, CO.Description from Colorado Title 32 :"Sanitation district" means a special district that provides for storm or sanitary sewers, or both, flood and surface drainage, treatment and disposal works and facilities, or solid waste disposal facilities or waste services, and all necessary or proper equipment and appurtenances incident thereto."Local improvement district" means an area within a service authority in which the real property is specially benefited and constitutes the basis of assessment for all or part of the cost of the construction or installation of designated improvements within such area.
Description: Watersheds and sub-basins in Mesa County, bordering the Gunnison and Colorado Rivers. From A watershed is simply the area of land that catches rain and snow and drains or seeps into a marsh, stream, river, lake or groundwater. Both river basins and watersheds are areas of land that drain to a particular water body, such as a lake, stream, river or estuary. In a river basin, all the water drains to a large river. The term watershed is used to describe a smaller area of land that drains to a smaller stream, lake or wetland. There are many smaller watersheds within a river basin.
Description: Sections of the Colorado, Dolores and Gunnison Rivers within Mesa County, A section of the Colorado and Dolores Rivers extends into Utah; a section of the Gunnison River extends into Delta and Montrose Counties.Also see for reference
Description: Selected watersheds in Mesa County, bordering the Colorado River.From A watershed is simply the area of land that catches rain and snow and drains or seeps into a marsh, stream, river, lake or groundwater. Both river basins and watersheds are areas of land that drain to a particular water body, such as a lake, stream, river or estuary. In a river basin, all the water drains to a large river. The term watershed is used to describe a smaller area of land that drains to a smaller stream, lake or wetland. There are many smaller watersheds within a river basin.
Description: Public right-of-ways declared on March 11, 1890 and August 3, 1892. The right-of-ways have been subsequently re-recorded. See also Deeded ROW and Deeded ROW from Plat layers. From , a right-of-way is "an area on which a roadway and its clear zone sits. It is generally dedicated to a governmental entity and is reserved for public use."
Description: Public right-of-ways deeded/dedicated per recorded instrument with reception number. See also Deeded ROW from Plat layer. From , a right-of-way is "an area on which a roadway and its clear zone sits. It is generally dedicated to a governmental entity and is reserved for public use."
Description: Property surveys deposited with the County Surveyor prior to 1987. The record of deposits is incomplete, as it has only been required by Colorado State Law since 1987.
Description: Sections within Mesa County, CO. A section is a division of a survey township. A township is nominally six miles by six miles square, whereas a section is nominally one mile by one mile square.
Description: Townships within Mesa County, CO. A survey township is a geographic reference area, usually six miles by six miles square, although often differing from that in Mesa County. Regular townships are subdivided into 36 sections. Irregular or fractional townships with fewer than a full 36 sections are created where full townships cannot be laid out due to existing senior boundaries.
Description: Public right-of-way which has been vacated.From , a right-of-way is "an area on which a roadway and its clear zone sits. It is generally dedicated to a governmental entity and is reserved for public use."
Description: Road Centerlines within Mesa County, CO. Some roads extend into Garfield County, CO and Grand County, UT. Roads are categorized by class: Interstate, US Highway, State Highway, On/Off Ramp, Major Collector, Minor Collector, Minor Arterial, Private Arterial, Local, Private, Unimproved.
Description: Point intersections of Roads Centerlines layer. Intersections are within Mesa County, CO; some roads extend into Garfield County, CO and Grand County, UT.
Description: Trails in and near Mesa County, CO. Data is compiled from the Colorado Parks and Wildlife COTREX app (trails in Colorado) and Mesa County (Trail Additions).Symbology is by highest use type in the following order: SNOW > MOTORIZED HIGHWAY VEHICLE > MOTORIZED OFF-HIGHWAY VEHICLE > MOTORCYCLE/ATV > BIKE > HORSE > HIKE (ONLY)
Service Item Id: ad2b2164f74246028b92647f7fa18b2c
Copyright Text: Colorado Parks and Wildlife; Mesa County GIS.