| Floodway - Areas in Zone AE |
| Zone A - An area inundated by 1% annual chance flooding, for which no BFEs have been determined |
| Zone AE - An area inundated by 1% annual chance flooding, for which BFEs have been determined |
| Zone AH - An area inundated by 1% annual chance flooding (usually an area of ponding), for which BFEs have been determined; flood depths range from 1 to 3 feet |
| Zone AO - An area inundated by 1% annual chance flooding (usually sheet flow on sloping terrain), for which average depths have been determined; flood depths range from 1 to 3 feet |
| 500 year floodplain - Areas of 500-year flood; An area inundated by 0.2% annual chance flooding |
| Zone X - Areas determined to be outside 500-year floodplain determined to be outside the 1% and 0.2% annual chance floodplains |
| Zone D - Areas of undetermined risk |