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Legend (Internal_Maps/Stormwater_Structures_for_SGM)

Canals and Ditches (17)
Rivers (18)
Lakes (19)
Streams (20)
Canals and Ditches (40)
Open Canal Open Canal
Canal Pipeline Canal Pipeline
Ditch Ditch
Rivers (41)
Lakes (42)
Streams (43)
Perennial Perennial
Intermittent Intermittent
Storm Sewer Point (0)
Need to fix Type code Need to fix Type code
Abandoned Structure Abandoned Structure
Cleanout Cleanout
Diversion Box Diversion Box
End of Pipe End of Pipe
Siphon Siphon
Stormceptor Stormceptor
Pump Pump
Tee Tee
IRR Box/Vault IRR Box/Vault
IRR Cleanout IRR Cleanout
IRR End of Pipe IRR End of Pipe
IRR Headgate IRR Headgate
IRR Overflow IRR Overflow
IRR Pump IRR Pump
IRR Valve IRR Valve
Storm Sewer Inlet (15)
Storm Sewer Outfalls (16)
Culvert Pipe (9)
Storm Sewer Lines (1)
Force Main Force Main
Lateral Lateral
Private Lateral Private Lateral
Culvert Culvert
Service Tap Service Tap
Stub Out Stub Out
Investigate Investigate
Storm Line Storm Line
<all other values> <all other values>
MCDOT Roads (11)